Alicia Hernandez


Alicia Hernandez joined theThrive team in February of 2024. Prior to her appointment as Principal, shespent seven years with the Sam Houston State University Charter School as ateacher, specialist, and Principal. She is experienced in public schoolcompliance and best practices, opening new charter school campuses, developingteachers and teacher pipelines, increasing capacity for high-quality programs,and fiscal and academic accountability. Within her first year as DistrictTesting Coordinator for the SHSU Charter School, the district Accountabilityrating increased from a D to a B in a single year. SHSU Charter has maintaineda district Accountability rating of a B or higher every year since. 

Prior to her time with SHSU CharterSchool, Mrs. Hernandez was a junior high and high school band director inBellville ISD and Waller ISD, while also serving as a Percussion specialist andperformer. She moved from Florida to pursue a career in education in 2009. Shereceived a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education from the University of Florida,a Master’s degree in Instructional Leadership and Principal certification fromSam Houston State University, and she is currently working towards herSuperintendent’s license. 

Mrs. Hernandez is passionate aboutwhole-child development and student success. She is invested in advocating forand serving students with autism at Thrive and in Texas. She lives inMontgomery with her husband and two sons, who will also attend Thrive duringthe 2024-2025 school year.